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Internal Strategies for Cultivating Strong Leaders

Strong and effective leadership is the foundation for the success and longevity of an organization. Not only can great leaders inspire and influence their staff, but they also spark employee engagement and innovation. As leaders evaluate their company’s organizational culture, leadership training is valuable for effectively managing leadership transitions or internal growth. Here are ways my clients invest in their people to remain attractive and competitive for the best talent.

Expand training and support using coaching skills

According to the recent study by the International Coaching Federation (ICF): Building Strong Coaching Cultures for the Future, the research emphasizes: “As we approach a new decade and examine past research on building coaching cultures, several findings remain constant. Among those is the desire for organizations to develop their own internal capacity for the training and delivering coaching. Perhaps because manager/leaders using coaching skills remains the most commonly utilized modality, those occupying the HR, talent management and learning and development functions in their organizations want to expand, train and support managers and leaders to use coaching skills,” (ICF, 2019, p. 20).

Build a coaching culture

Investing in the professional development of your employees is necessary to increase leadership potential. As you build a plan of action for your annual training, consider utilizing a strong coaching culture that incorporates your core mission and values. Here are some practical skills to consider:

  1. Inclusive Leadership: Inclusive leaders refer to innovators who bring a sense of comfortability and security to their staff. Allowing your employees to feel at ease will remove fear-based blockages regarding their work and improve confidence. Be open to new ideas and give valuable feedback to support growth and foster an environment of consistency and positive results.
  2. Coaching and Resilience: At any time, executive teams will face unpredictable circumstances. In these moments, leaders must display courage, grace, and understanding. Demonstrating these qualities will teach your organization’s future leaders how to respond effectively and cohesively in times of uncertainty. 
  3. Communication: Listen, Learn, Lead with TLC™ to harness self-compassion and well-being, as this improves your ability to coach, sets a positive example, and strikes a balance between empathy and strategy to meet team members at their level of learning.

Use blended learning experiences

Although most companies provide leadership training through virtual teachings, many employees better retain information when communicating and collaborating with colleagues. Offering a blended learning approach with both live learning and online training has high value and can be ongoing versus every once in a while.

Developing strong leaders starts with teaching. Lack of professional development is one of the top reasons for turnovers within a company. Your employees will appreciate environments where they can learn and grow to reach their full potential and elevate to the next level of their career journeys. You can always seek applicants from outside an organization when looking for leadership. However, building on internal talent is a sustainable approach, and your employees will appreciate the opportunities they receive. Being an active coach and mentor will benefit your organization’s future.