Encouraging you to thrive and grow
My blog has been created to deliver useful insights, information, and stories that can be applied to spark new ideas within companies or careers. Within it, I provide articles to read on topics like diversity, inclusion and belonging. I’m excited to share with you the practical applications of my process, the observations I’ve made about our current culture, and how to best discover your strengths and to apply them to better your life.
Join me as I share my stories, provide resources and knowledge to help you — be bold, be brave, be kind, and keep wishing out loud.
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Age Bias
Three Ideas to Foster Multigenerational Workplace Inclusion
Workplaces are diverse in more aspects than gender and race. In fact, a company could have baby boomers, Gen-Xers, millennials, and Gen-Z individuals all working in the same department. That means four, or even five, generations with very different cultural experiences and outlooks on life and work must all collaborate together to achieve their goals. […]
Read MoreOvercoming Imposter Syndrome: Unleashing Your Full Potential
If you’ve ever felt like an imposter at work, you’re not alone. A 2019 review of 62 studies on imposter syndrome suggested anywhere from 9 to 82% of people report having thoughts along these lines at some point. Imposter syndrome is a psychological phenomenon that affects many people, regardless of their age, gender, or profession. […]
Read MoreUnleashing the Magical Momentum of Group Mentoring Circles to Reinvigorate your ERGs
Reinvigorating the Momentum of ERGs Through Mentoring Circles Over the past several years, many organizations have formed or launched Employee Resource Groups (ERGs), business resource groups, or Employee Network Groups as part of their DEI+Belonging (DEIB) strategies. These ERGs are essential to connect employees to others with shared interests and backgrounds and connect them to […]
Read MoreInclusion for Patients and Caregivers
Reimagining Caregiver Support and a Cancer-Free World Being a caregiver can feel like a lonely experience, even though so many people find themselves in that role at some point. Recent data shows 53 million, or nearly one in five, people in the United States provide an adult with health care or functional needs. Making up […]
Read MoreLooking Beyond Tokenism
Part 2: Looking Beyond Tokenism In part one, we talked about how sharing impactful, authentic, and inclusive storytelling about employees can foster inclusion and a sense of belonging. With the positive intent to highlight personal stories to celebrate employees, some firms in their enthusiasm may risk being accused of tokenism. What is tokenism? According to […]
Read MoreGiving Feedback: A Key Skill for Inclusive Leadership
’Tis the season for gratefulness, thanks, and feedback. At this time of the year, many managers are completing self-assessments or preparing for year-end performance reviews. Leaders often dread when it is time for the performance reviews. It’s awkward to tell employees they need to improve, and it’s often challenging to hear about areas of improvement. […]
Read MoreReviewing Your DEI Successes Now, Helps Plan for Next Year
While the calendar is telling us that summer is wrapping up, most organizations have reviewed mid-year goals and have started looking toward priorities for the new year. The year-end planning will help set the tone and budget for an organization to make realistic goals and take advantage of successes and lessons learned from the last […]
Read MoreOvercoming Unconscious Biases Reduces Barriers to Belonging
Biases affect all people. We cannot ask people to meet one another’s unique needs unless we understand our unconscious biases. Assume you are a hiring manager. You pick up a resume and see someone named Alex Stewart. They have a bachelor’s degree in international affairs, have worked in their chosen field for 13 years, and have […]
Read MoreUnconscious Bias Can Impact Worker Satisfaction, Company Bottom Line
Unaddressed unconscious or implicit bias often makes the workplace unwelcoming and may have a detrimental and disproportionate impact on people of color, women, LGBTQ employees, people with disabilities, veterans, and other minorities. Implicit bias is demonstrated in many ways, from hiring practices to microaggressions to everyday moments in the office or breakroom. Because it is […]
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Celebrating our 4th Anniversary!
Thank you for supporting Wishing Out Loud for the past four years. It’s hard to believe we are celebrating our fourth anniversary on January 8, 2024, and being named to D CEO’s Dallas 500 for the fourth time! Our anchor word of the year is MOMENTUM for “More in ‘24”. More memorable MOMENTs, more “MOM-ents”, […]
Read MoreLessons in Leadership
I am grateful for the opportunity to speak and attend several valuable leadership development programs the past two months. October 21: The Annual Ascend North Texas Inspiring Across Generations (IAG)Conference I was excited to moderate a CEO Fireside Chat with Sonah Shah, CEO of The Texas Tribune, and Chris Yang, President & CEO of Toyota […]
Read MoreInternal Strategies for Cultivating Strong Leaders
Strong and effective leadership is the foundation for the success and longevity of an organization. Not only can great leaders inspire and influence their staff, but they also spark employee engagement and innovation. As leaders evaluate their company’s organizational culture, leadership training is valuable for effectively managing leadership transitions or internal growth. Here are ways […]
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